Thursday, January 5, 2017

Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy

Marge Piercys Barbie shuttlecock shows how high society has portrayed the prototype for women. In this poem, a offspring little misfires bread and yetter flashes before her eyes as she tries to live up to the society standards. The title of the poem itself shows the societies expectations from women. The emotional state of this poem is depressing, sad and sarcastic. Barbie shuttle is the poem that shows the journey of women in the cruel society and how she gives up her life for the society.\nFirst few lines of the poem, Piercy has mentioned the little girl sister was born and it seemed completely conventionality and usual. She was like a common girl child present off her dolls, other toys and lipsticks. In fifth line, the aroma changed dramatically from calm to harsh. When Piercy mention the girl child hit puberty and everything changes, it suggests that girlchild is growing up and she is overtaking to experience the pain that comes with change. That are often challe nging for girls because it is touchy for them to acknowledge their bodies for what they are in the adult world. You have a great big nozzle and flesh out legs(6). Not yet her body is acting up, but her classmate also starts filling on her, that hesitant her impudence on non organism the same girl. The tone of the poem changes at this moment and the girl starts questioning her physical appearance. This present concludes the theme of the poem as here; the society is not accepting girl child who do not designate the societal standardize women is immaterial appearance. Since children reflect what they hear and see, so we know that these cruel lyric poem big nose and fat legs have to come from someplace from the society.\nIn second stanza, the tone of the poem changes as Piercy is speech about the young girls optimistic potentials as a human being. By stentorian tone, Piercy portrays She was healthy, tested intelligent, feature strong arms and back, coarse sexual drive and manual of arms dexterity(7-9). These are t... If you exigency to get a to the full essay, order it on our website:

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